Users of arc42 sometimes ask questions like:

I documented my projects using the arc42-template, but the documents in our company need to satisfy specific Corporate-Identity guidelines, i.e. every page in office documents need a company-specific header and footer. These are major changes with respect to the original arc42-download version. I tried to respect the license by placing the arc42-logo and a “based on:” above it on the cover sheet. Is this enough regarding the creative commons license?

Our answer to such questions is:

arc42 does NOT require specific formating: You can freely use the template with any Corporate-Identity, layout, fonts, graphics, header, footer or other formating you require or like.

Just cite the “source” of the arc42 structure anywhere, it doesn’t need to be the title page…

We’d be happy if you could include a link ( or in your documentation…. to help “spread-the-word”.